Look the live Sun and on 9th May 2016 the Mercury transit from your device.
Look the Sun live during the 9th May 2016 Mercury Transit. From European Space Agency (ESA) you can see a complete coverage of this event and look the live Sun from differents parts of the planet.The two observatories are in Spain and in Chile, and you can change between H-Alpha & Visible view. Also you can compare the image with the official SOHO space observatory photo updated every few hours.During the transit you can see a live streaming with a lot of connections to differents parts of the world and a complete conference about the Sun, Mercury and all European Space Agency future and present space satellites.This streaming is from CESAR project, an educational project.This application is free, only for educational and science purpose.Sencilla herramienta para ver el Sol en directo durante las observaciones previas al tránsito y durante el tránsito de Mercurio que tendrá lugar el 9 de mayo del 2016. Además podrás acceder a un streaming en directo con la Agencia Espacial Europea donde nos contarán las últimas misiones de la ESA, información sobre el proyecto educativo CESAR y la estación en España de la agencia ESAC.